Featured Collections
Signed Drum Guides
Definitive, hard copy versions of Haken's Drum Guide transcription books, hand-signed by...
eBook Drum Guides
eBook versions of Ray's full, note-for-note transcriptions of Haken's drum parts, including...
Signed Drum Heads
A collection of signed drum heads, most of which have been used...
All Collections
eBook Drum Guides
eBook versions of Ray's full, note-for-note transcriptions of Haken's drum parts, including...
Fauna Transcriptions
The official individual drum transcriptions for Haken's album 'Fauna' Includes PDF and...
Haken Drum Guides
Official, full note-for-note transcriptions of Haken's drum parts, available in physical (signed)...
Signed Drum Guides
Definitive, hard copy versions of Haken's Drum Guide transcription books, hand-signed by...
Signed Drum Heads
A collection of signed drum heads, most of which have been used...
Signed Kick Drum Heads
A collection of signed kick drum heads, most of which have been...
Signed Snare Heads
A collection of signed snare heads, most of which have been used...
Signed Tom Heads
A collection of signed tom heads, most of which have been used...
Individual drum transcriptions of Haken songs. Includes PDF and Guitar Pro files
Virus Transcriptions
The official individual drum transcriptions for Haken's album 'Virus' Includes PDF and...